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User Manual

After the module installation you can start the SharePoint Administration tool by selecting Sitecore » All Applications » Sharepoint.

The SharePoint administrative tool will appear.

1.  Managing Logins

You need to create at least one login connection to work the with SharePoint Portal server from the Sitecore Client. Click “Edit SharePoint Logins” in the Pick a task section on the right pane.

The Logins folder will be selected. Click the Add New Login button and provide the name for a new SharePoint login. When a new login is created, the following settings should be specified:  

The following image displays the sample login setup:

The module provides an option to test the entered settings. After creating a login and specifying the settings, press the Verify connection button. If the settings are invalid, you will be alerted. Save the settings by pressing the Save button after you enter and verify them.


2.  List Connections

The SharePoint Connector module populates the Sitecore solution with the content from the SharePoint portal site. In order to add SharePoint Items to the Sitecore content, you should do the following:

You can find a detailed description of these steps below.

2.1.  Creating a List Connection

Select the List connections Item in the content tree, press the New button in the main menu and provide the name for a new list connection.   

You need to specify the following settings for the newly created list connection:  


Press the Save button.

2.2.  Mapping the Fields Between Sitecore and SharePoint

After you press the Save button, the New mapping… button will be activated. Press this button to add a field mapping. You’ll see a dialog, where you should choose the Sitecore field, the SharePoint field to match and optionally the translation (the way a field value will be formatted during the mapping).  

Known issue : after creating the list connection and creating the first field mapping, you may receive the dialog without Sitecore fields. In this case, close the dialog by clicking the Cancel button and then press the New mapping… button again.

Repeat the procedure of field mapping until you get all the necessary content mapped. At this point, the field mappings may also be edited and deleted.

2.3.  Types and Translations

When creating a new mapping or editing an existing field mapping, you can optionally choose the translation. This option allows to manipulate the representation of the mapped fields. If you do not choose any translation from the Translation list, the fields will be mapped as they are. Please refer to the Adding Translations section for more information and a translation example.

3.  Managing Media Connections

Media connections make it possible to populate the Sitecore Media Library with SharePoint images and documents.

3.1.  Creating a Media Connection

In order to create a media connection, select the Media connections Item in the content tree, press the New button in the main menu and provide the name for a new media connection.   

Specify the following settings:  


Note: the Stage files checkbox must be set in order to allow staging.

Press the Stage files button to stage the files of the current media connection. The folder path in the Stage folder field should be a relative path to the existing folder in the Sitecore solution root folder. You will be notified after the files are transferred successfully.   

3.2.  Scheduling Content Staging

You can make the media content staging automatic. This is done by creating a schedule task. The SharePoint connector module installs the default command and the schedule task.

4.  Transfering Content from SharePoint to the Master Database

The procedure of transferring of the Sharepoint content to the master database is based on the virtual items functionality. For more information on virtual and proxy items refer to Using Proxy Items article.

To add a proxy to Sharepoint connection you should do the following:

5.  Media Library Support

Sharepoint connector supports the following features of Sitecore 5.3.1 media library: